ONE FAMILY Project (OFP) is an initiative of Joseph Peters, a program of Make Poverty History (MPH) Nigeria to help support every family unit in solving their various economic chanllenges. MPH will access N150m Community Funds, to support and intervene in various family issues.

  • Support you pay children school fees
  • Support your aged parents
  • Get capital to start/expand your small business
  • Support you to pay hospital bills
  • Buy Business Equipments for youths and women
  • Support solve family financial problems

To participate and benefit in the One Family Project, pls fill the form below

One Family Form

Full Name:                         


Lagos Area LGA:               

State of Origin:                  

Date of Birth:                     


Voters VIN Number:          

What Do You Do:               

Marital Status:                   

Number of Children
Living With You:                 

Wife/Husband Occupation:

Wife/Husband GSM:

Do you have any skills
you can teach others people;
pls mention it:         

What is Your View About the
Countrys Current Situation:

As a Family Man/Woman, What are Your Current
Economy Challenges

What Are The 3 Most Important Areas of Support You Need
(Specify in Order of Priority)

Are you Interested in the Skill
Programme: YES NO                                                               

Would you Like One Family Project
to Visit You: YES NO

Would you Like to Receive Food
Stuff From One Family Project: YES NO

Do You Belong to
Any Political Party:

Mention 2 Problem in Your Community That Needs
Government Intervention:

Pls make sure you fill the correct information, if the inofrmations are not corect, your form will not be processed.

© 2017